Twinings 영국 트와이닝 챠이니즈 쟈스민 그린 125g Chinese Jasmine Green

About Tea

Loose Leaf Jasmine Scented Green tea.


Jasmine arrived in China from Persia in the third century AD, but jasmine tea didn't become popular until the Song Dynasty, about 1,000 years ago.

100% Jasmine Scented

Green Tea

Use 1 teaspoon per person and 1 for the pot. ?Boil fresh water, leave to cool for 5 minutes then pour on. ?Allow to steep for 3 to 4 minutes.More information

With your support, Twinings helps provide access to clean water for villages across Darjeeling, helps improve mother and baby health in tea growing regions of Yunnan and helps improve health and nutrition in tea communities in Assam.The Twinings Lion

When Thomas Twining opened his shop on London’s Strand in 1706, little did he know that we would still be supplying some of the world’s finest tea to this date.

Just like Thomas, our passion burns brightest for the highest quality teas and we search far and wide to obtain them.

We believe we are the ultimate for an enthusiast to savour the subtle flavours of the freshest and finest teas and infusions.

Here's to another 300 years.